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Ramok last won the day on August 15 2019

Ramok had the most liked content!

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104 Very good

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  1. Eko še enkrat grejo v prodajo. https://www.bolha.com/ostali-led-monitorji/medion-akoya-x58321-full-hd-3-kos-oglas-6331580
  2. Logitech G920 je kompatibilen z Xbox one in PC. Je enak kot G29. https://www.logitechg.com/en-roeu/products/driving/driving-force-racing-wheel.html
  3. Zdravo Malo si tega poglej.
  4. Evo to sem dobil za gvišno. For DiRT Rally 2.0 input, multiple input devices are supported with the ability to connect or store information on up to 15 separate USB devices at once. Multiple instances of the same device type are also supported allowing different actions to be bound on the different instances (e.g. two identical sequential shifters with one being used as a handbrake).
  5. @50keda DR2 podpira več kontrolerjev,tako da to ni problem. Imam jaz vsaj 5 reči priklopljene gor (volan DD, pedala, ročno,.......)
  6. Jure Širok ; JSIrok ; FORD Fiesta R5
  7. Ramok

    Rseat produkti

    Si gledal kaj od SimLab. Samo se mi zdi da je brez sedeža. Nevem prečekiraj. In čene DIY varjanta.
  8. Ja do LJ že pridem tiso ni problem ja no odvisno( or ure štarta,ŽENE,otrok......😁) Koliko klape pa je predvideno?
  9. Prdvidevam da iz primorskega (NG) in nobenega.
  10. A bo danes kdo na kakšnem servrju? Po 21ih
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