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Need for Speed: SHIFT


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Matr preveč berem o tem špilu namest da bi ga vozu :P

From xml physics files inside NFS, it is obvious this game is based on a serious sim engine simulating more things than gmotor engine from rFactor and Simbin games.

There is a new tyre model inside, because some new tyre parameters appear, and the slip curve is not anymore static in the xml file, but somehow calculated in real time like in LFS.

Copy/pasting xml files to and from NFS to GTR2 is pointless, tyre parameters and model are different.

This engine simulates turbo too. There are parameters for wet weather, pit stops...

NFS Shift reuses the engine Blimey coded for their ferrari project. Many xml files contain references to ferrari project, and there are xml files describing physics from ferrari cars even if they are not in NFS.

It's not the same. Grip may be overestimated in other sims but the way it is done here is entirely different. GTR GTL and GTR2 run with one set of configuration files describing tyres and car. These files contain quite realistic data.

Here, the engine runs with very similar configuration files, with real data too. And there are pure arcade multipliers in a separate set of files which change these data. 25% lower center of gravity, 20% more grip, 100% agressivity AI ...this has nothing to do with the way grip may be overestimated in other sims. In NFS shift data is accurate in one set of file, and then altered using another set of files.

This was done intentionaly to hide the sim engine and make it more NFS-like, and to be easily removed (separate files).

And the way it is written, these multipliers are clearly not part of the sim, but can be seen like additional driving helps. It's like core data is from SMS and multipliers from EA.

Anyway 20% more grip is a lot. You can take turns 9.5% faster.

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Evo za vse tiste, ki še niste obupali....ta mod naj bi popravil dosti zadev....manjka mu samo tisti mod v katerem je AI malce manj agresiven.

Tale mod menda da v špil GTR2 fiziko... Kar je po moje neumnost, če ima v osnovi Gecko (motor od shifta) mnogo bolj napredno :roll:

Po moje bo nekaj časa zdaj prava zmeda s temi modi. Dokler majstri ne razvozlajo vseh fajlov ki so notri.

Alpa dokler SMS ne naredi enga drugega špila na tem motorčku :mrgreen:

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Narobe si prebral se mi da fiziko od GTR2 not, ker to ni mogoče, ta mod samo odpravi tisto drsenje avtov, ki je blo že mal pretirano, tako da se obnašajo bolj realistično . GTR2 so pa dali samo kot primerjavo, ker pač folk to najbl pozna.

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U glavnem....tistih 5 al 4 fajlov, ki jih dobiš presnameš v en folder v igri. Trenutno sem v službi in ne vem na pamet kater folder je (UI?), če malo prebrskate boste našli enako poimenovane fajle in jih samo skopirate čez.

Po tem, se avti vozijo zelo v redu. Stvar postane bolj realistična in avti so malce bolj predvidljivi in ne drsijo skozi ovinke. Celo drift se da vozit, ko ga pogruntaš. Sam špil kot original mi je totalno bedn ampak s tem modom ga bom pa vsekakor obrnil, ker se lepo pelje.

No, ravno v tem trenutku, ko sem pisal prejšni post, je prišel ven Real Mod 2.0 za Shift. V tem je popravljenih še več zadev, nova fizika za gume, podlage vseh prog so bil ezamenjane, ipd.

Na spodnjem linku je še video, ki je videt supr realističen. Ko pridem domov ga prec inčtaliram pa poročam.


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Tole sm včeri probu stvar je velik boljš sam še vseen čudno je furat tole na volan... kr traja da zanese sam ko enkat zanese pa nič ne morem... noob sm ocitno. :) A kdo ve kako tale NFS spraviš na FULL SCREEN na secondary monitor? Lahko mam samo na windowed mode pa me mot. Sicer pa sj špila nism dal dol da js furam, ampak moja... Bomo nardil zensko prvenstvo v NFS? laugh.gif:lol::lol:

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